JS for progressive

Mobilise and Empower the diaspora region to be the platform wherein future bridges in policy change in politics, investment, education and Innovation

JS for inclusiveness

Organising the APC party’s diaspora activities in a bid to ensure the inclusiveness of Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora ahead of 2023 general election

JS Momoh - 2023

Ideological Leader For Next Generation

As the Deputy Organising Secretary of the great APC party, I am committed to working tirelessly to mobilise and energise our members and supporters.

I believe in the power of grassroots organising and the importance of building a strong and engaged base of supporters. I am working to ensure that our party is connected to the community we serve and that our message is reaching the people who need to hear it most.

I am work to create a culture of inclusion and engagement within our institution, one that is open and welcoming to all, regardless of background, gender & identity. I understand the importance of diversity and will strive to ensure that our diaspora region reflects the branches we serve.

I am working closely with our Organising Secretary, and the rest of the leadership team, to develop and implement effective strategies for voter outreach and mobilisation. I will also work to build strong partnerships with other affiliates and groups that share our values and goals.

I am dedicated to building a stronger and more vibrant political organisation, and I am committed to working hard to make that happen. I mission statement reflects the opportunity to serve as the Deputy Organising Secretary and to help lead our organisation to victory.

Joseph Saidu Momoh
Deputy Organising Secretary - Diaspora 6th Region [D6R]
All People's Congress

JS Momoh - Political Career

Our mission is to create a society in which an informed and active citizenry is sovereign and makes policy decisions based on the will of the majority.

    Freedom Matters

    Join Our Movement!

    APC - Back to Power!

    As party and branch, we believe that every Sierra Leonean should be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their age, race, tribe, religion, and social status. These are some fundamental values of our party. Become a member of our branch to fight for these values. As a branch, we are working tirelessly to ensure that the party returns to State House in 2023.

    Together we are stronger. Together, we are the All People’s Congress Party.

    The APC Diaspora, united, and well-coordinated, is the strongest alliance between the Party’s HQ as well as within the diaspora. Join us as we work together collectively for the prosperity of the motherland.

    Successfully Organised Paths For 6 Years +

    Our Party Visions

    Together We Are Stronger

    We Will Win The Elections

    Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

    We Care About Causes

    Be Part of the Solution. We recognise the problems we face. Our effort should be directed to finding solutions to solve our common problems.

    Our Party Is Growing

    Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.

    Get Involved

    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

    APC Membership


    Whatsapp:  +23272-69-44-15
    Mobile: +44 78-53-111-898

     264 Missenden. Inville Road. London. SE17 2HY
